What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

Great job by all employees.

Did a fantastic job. Great service. Very impressed. Would recommend blindly and call again in a heartbeat.

SERVPRO was prompt and very courteous. I was pleased with prompt service!

Thanks for the good and fast work in getting the water up and dry!

Jorge was wonderful & kept us informed throughout the process. Wish we knew about you 3 days earlier when the damage occurred.

Great job. Quick response. 

Everything I had worked for in the past 36 years of my life was a wreck or gone from 17 feet of water in the basement and store. If not for the amazing team of SERVPRO workers...I would not have been able to reopen for business in a timely way. These employees impressed and motivated me daily, and I know they had my back. 

The team that you sent did an outstanding job.  Quick response time.  Would highly recommend your company!

Everyone was extremely polite, prompt, and quick.

“Greatness is Greatness, no change needed!”

“Both SERVPRO crew members were very helpful and professional! I will definitely use SERVPRO of Howard County in the future!

Gary S. and Dan L. have been the best people to work with on this project. They were extremely responsive and did a wonderful job. "Like it never even happened"